Providing on-call Emergency Response 24-7

Kneeland is a tight knit agricultural community rich with local history. Located 30 minutes from Eureka or Arcata. Kneeland is well known for it’s redwoods, rolling hills, spectacular open pastoral views, and fertile farm land.
The District response area is approximately 38 square miles. The out of District response area consists of buffer zones adding an additional 65 square miles surrounding the community of Kneeland which encompasses areas of Maple Creek, Fickle Hill, Bridgeville, Butler Valley and Showers Pass. The response time within the response area varies from five to twenty minutes. In the out of District areas response times can take over thirty minutes in some areas.
The Kneeland Fire Protection District was officially formed on August 11, 1990 by district voters. Although, the volunteer fire department actually began in the mid 1980’s as local volunteers realized the need as the community began developing during the housing boom, and the emergency responders long response time " if available" from neighboring communities.
Although the District is responsible for structural fire protection, the California Department of Forestry ( CAL-Fire) retains responsibility for grass and forest fires within the boundaries of the District known as the SRA.
Presently, the Kneeland Volunteer Fire Department responds from 6201 Greenwood Heights Drive, Kneeland.
Ten-twelve volunteer fire fighters respond to an average of thirty calls per year, including medical-aid, structure fires, vehicle accidents, wild land fires, off road rescues, hazardous, and storm events. District fire apparatus and volunteer fire fighters are dispatched via the county 911 system at the CAL-FIRE dispatch center in Fortuna by pagers and electronic "text" messaging 24-7-365
The Kneeland Fire Protection District's progress in the 30 years of the department's history is due to the dedication of the citizens of Kneeland, volunteer firefighters, board members and axillary, past and present, who have selflessly volunteered their time, finances and at times their well being to protect others.